Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Well, Candace is 5yrs old today! I cant believe that she is 5 yrs old today!

DeaR Candace,

Well you are 5 today. I remember the day perfectly when you were born. I was walking Jasmine and Justin to school. I started to have contraction while on the walk to school. Your daddy had to come and pick me up because i couldn't walk home. I was having contractions off and on all day and around 3p.m. i noticed that i lost the mucous plug so we were off to the hospital. My water broke at 5:30p.m. and you were born at 6:30p.m You came fast.

You are a such sweet little girl. I love when you come up to me and give me hugs and tell me that you love me. You love being outside, running and playing. You love your video games. I love you for many more reasons.

Tomorrow is the first day of Kindergarten for you. I hope that you make friends and let you have alot of fun this year in Kindergarten. I am going to miss our special time together that we share. I am going to miss our cuddle time while watching tv, but we will still are mornings together, so that will be great!! Here is a special montage for you!!


posted by Summer at 6:37 AM, |


Awww...such a sweetie...happy birthday Candace.
Such a sweet letter! Happy Birthday Candace!
  At September 4, 2007 at 12:01 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Happy Birthday Candace~such a sweet letter from your Mommy :)
Happy Birthday Candace!!!